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Vincent van der Heiden20.09.2023 00:00:002 min Lesezeit

The complete stern tube and sealing system (2): Stern tubes

The slogan ‘The Origin of Sealing Solutions’ suggests that Lagersmit only offers seals. ...
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Pepijn Swarte20.09.2023 00:00:002 min Lesezeit

The Stern tubes history and purpose

Many years ago there was a mechanical and civil engineer named Isambard Kingdom Brunel. ...
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Stefan Molenaar20.09.2023 00:00:001 min Lesezeit

Lagersmit expands its service and distribution network during SMM

Switch to Peace of Mind with the best sealing solutions and service 24/7 worldwide. ...
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Bart van Lee20.08.2023 00:00:002 min Lesezeit

How pre-inspection contributed to a successful retrofit

Planning to retrofit the seals on your ship? A pre-inspection before the actual job can ...
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Admin20.08.2023 00:00:001 min Lesezeit

Meet Lagersmit during the SMM in Hamburg

ABOUT SMM Digital transformation, as well as climate change and the maritime energy ...
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Sabrina Peters20.08.2023 00:00:002 min Lesezeit

Reducing air emissions with the Environmental Ship Index (ESI)

Environmental responsibility is growing in importance. The Vessel General Permit and ...
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Sabrina Peters20.07.2023 00:00:002 min Lesezeit

Why the Green Award is worth consideration for you as a ship owner

If you are active in the maritime branch you have probably heard of it before: the Green ...
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Keke Liu20.07.2023 00:00:002 min Lesezeit

Tips from our expert: Stern tube seals for fishing vessels

Own a fishing vessel? Then you know how important these ships are for business and why it ...
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Sabrina Peters20.06.2023 00:00:002 min Lesezeit

In water seal repair: requirements & preparations

In water seal repair, it sounds interesting but how does it work and what preparations ...
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Sabrina Peters20.06.2023 00:00:001 min Lesezeit

Lagersmits Liquidyne® seal added to the Shell Supplier Qualification System

Shell has a Supplier Qualification System (SQS) which is designed to collect and store ...
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