The possibility of continuously monitoring the actual state of the Liquidyne seals delivers Shell peace of mind by enabling planned maintenance of their cooling water pumps.
Shell has a Supplier Qualification System (SQS) which is designed to collect and store information of qualified suppliers invited to work with Shell. Lagersmit was invited in 2018 to join this supplier system. We are proud to mention that our Liquidyne seal is added as standard in section 2.3.8. Metal Bearings and Seals as a sealing solution for cooling water pumps.
Not only are we added to the list of the Shell SQS, but we are also on the TAMAP (Technically Accepted Manufacturers And Products) list. We are proud to be published on the Shell Global rotating equipment network as Best Practice for cooling water pumps. Since 2019 we are listed in the Shell DEP (Design Engineering Practice). The possibility of continuously monitoring the actual state of the Liquidyne seals delivers Shell peace of mind by enabling planned maintenance of their cooling water pumps. As a result, the stability and reliability of the pumping operation are increased considerably and maintenance costs are reduced to a minimum.
The above-mentioned results of Lagersmit with its Liquidyne seal make us a reliable partner for Shell. Securing maximum control on the cooling water supply and ensuring the best possible reliability, availability and lowest TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) of the concerning equipment.