
Lagersmit |Training Lagersmit service engineers in Vancouver and Miami

Written by Chiel Michel | 2023-3-19 23:00:00

Lagersmit has a worldwide service network to offer service to our sealing solutions. Many Lagersmit service engineers are available to perform service and based on availability, travel time and costs an engineer is send from one of the stations. Proper training and tuition are essential to guarantee the same quality and Peace of Mind worldwide. For that reason Lagersmit regularly visits the service engineers for new certifications.


In February 2018 our service department went to Vancouver and Miami to train current and new service engineers. The first part of a proper training consists of freshening up the knowledge about our systems and products. Besides, the service engineer also learns to revise the seals in-situ based on Lagersmit’s developed method with the right equipment. By giving these trainings, Lagersmit can guarantee the same quality on a worldwide base.


Chiel Michel - Manager Service: “The engineers went through the training well and succeeded all the tests. This resulted in an extended ‘license to seal’ for all service engineers.”


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